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2020년 1Q의 북미 TV 이용자 2,065,000 감소

페이지 정보

작성자 류재욱 작성일20-05-29 10:06 조회6,296회


2020년 1Q 북미 TV 이용자는 2,065,000 이용자가 감소했다. (vMVPD 제외 1,650,000)

이는 PayTV 역사상 최대 감소폭이며, 2019년 백만 가입자의 2배의 수치이다. 

특히 위성은 100만 가입자가 감소하였으며, 케이블TV 역시 60만 가까이 가입자가 감소하여, 작년 동일 분기 대비 2배 정도 감소하였다. 특히 매 분기 상승하던 vMPVD가입자 역시 약 30만이 감소하였다. 


Durham, NH — May 14, 2020 — Leichtman Research Group, Inc. (LRG) found that the largest pay-TV providers in the U.S. – representing about 95% of the market – lost about 2,065,000 net video subscribers in 1Q 2020, compared to a pro forma net loss of about 1,025,000 subscribers in 1Q 2019.

The top pay-TV providers account for 83.9 million subscribers – with the top seven cable companies having 45.2 million video subscribers, satellite TV services 24.1 million subscribers, the top telephone companies 8.2 million subscribers, and the top publicly reporting Internet-delivered (vMVPD) pay-TV services 6.4 million subscribers.

Key findings for the quarter include:

  • Satellite TV services lost about 1,030,000 subscribers in 1Q 2020 – compared to a loss of about 810,000 subscribers in 1Q 2019
  • The top seven cable companies lost about 595,000 video subscribers in 1Q 2020 – compared to a loss of about 335,000 subscribers in 1Q 2019
  • The top telephone companies lost about 125,000 video subscribers in 1Q 2020 – compared to a loss of about 105,000 subscribers in 1Q 2019
  • The top publicly reporting Internet-delivered (vMVPD) services (Hulu + Live TV, Sling TV, and AT&T TV NOW) lost about 320,000 subscribers in 1Q 2020 – compared to about 225,000 net adds in 1Q 2019

“Pay-TV net losses of over 2 million subscribers in 1Q 2020 were more than in any previous quarter,” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for Leichtman Research Group, Inc.  “The record net losses were partly related to the impact of the coronavirus, but do not solely reflect consumers’ dropping services.  Several providers cited a decrease in connects as a key component of net losses in the quarter, rather than an increase in disconnects.” 


Pay-TV ProvidersSubscribers at end of 1Q 2020Net Adds in 1Q 2020
Cable Companies
Atlantic Broadband306,252(2,386)
Cable One303,000(11,000)
Total Top Cable45,178,752(596,086)
Satellite Services (DBS)
DISH TV^^9,012,000(132,000)
Total DBS24,148,000(1,029,000)
Phone Companies
Verizon FiOS4,145,000(84,000)
AT&T U-verse^3,440,0000
Total Top Phone8,206,000(123,000)
Internet-Delivered (vMVPD)
Hulu + Live TV3,300,000100,000
Sling TV2,311,000(281,000)
AT&T TV NOW788,000(138,000)
Total Top vMVPD6,399,000(319,000)
Total Top Providers83,931,752(2,067,086)