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vMPVD 가입자의 44%는 유료방송 전환가입자

페이지 정보

작성자 류재욱 작성일20-05-15 11:46 조회6,100회


Leichtman research의 조사에 따르면,  


북미 vMVPD 가입자 구성은 


기존 유료방송의 코드컷팅고객이 ​44%, 다른 vMVPD서비스에서 전환된 고객은 18%,

유료방송이나 vMVPD를 사용하지 않았던 신규 고객은 12% 이고, 


나머지 26%의 vMVPD 가입자는 지속적으로 유료방송을 유지하고 있는것으로 조사되었다. 


특히 vMVPD 가입자의 65%가 18~44세 가입자로, 젊은 이용자 비율이 매우 높은것으로 조사되었다. 




Durham, NH — April 3, 2020 — New consumer research from Leichtman Research Group, Inc. (LRG) found that of U.S. households that currently have a live streaming vMVPD pay-TV service (like Hulu + Live TV, Sling TV, YouTube TV, or AT&T TV NOW), 44% switched directly from a traditional (cable, satellite, or Telco) pay-TV service, and 26% also have a traditional service.  In addition, 18% switched from another vMVPD service, and 12% were most recently non-subscribers to any type of pay-TV service.  This distribution is similar to last year.

Overall, 18% of adults ages 18-44 currently have a vMVPD service – compared to 9% of ages 45 and above.  Ages 18-44 now account for 65% of adults in the U.S. that have a vMVPD pay-TV service.

These findings are based on an online survey of 6,462 households from throughout the United States and are part of a new LRG study, Internet-Delivered Pay-TV Services 2020. This is LRG’s third annual study focused on the vMVPD category, along with other direct-to-consumer (DTC) streaming video services.

Other related findings include:

  • 76% of vMVPD subscribers are very satisfied with their service – compared to 69% in 2018
  • 14% are very likely to switch from a vMVPD service in the next six months – compared to 27% in 2018
  • 54% of vMVPD households have three or more TV sets
  • 42% that have both a vMVPD and a traditional pay-TV service cite having more choices or options as the reason for getting both, 15% cite serving multiple people or TVs in the household, 14% cite channels or content only available from one type, and 8% cite testing or trialing a service
  • 95% with a vMVPD service also have an SVOD service from Netflix, Amazon Prime, and/or Hulu – compared to 74% of traditional pay-TV subscribers, and 77% of non-subscribers in TV households
  • 79% of all households have at least one SVOD or DTC streaming video service, and 44% have three or more of these services

“More than ever, consumers are exploring the trade-offs between traditional and vMVPD pay-TV services—along with an increasing number of streaming options—to find the combination of content and cost that best meets their needs,” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for Leichtman Research Group, Inc. “Younger adults and those with more people and TVs in the household have thus far proven to be most attracted to the lower-cost and lower-channel vMVPD options.”