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AT&T Wi-Fi 사용량(데이터+VOIP) 증가

페이지 정보

작성자 나승환 작성일20-03-31 09:50 조회5,700회


Wireless carriers say their networks are holding up as more Americans do their work, schooling and entertainment from home. Of course, much of the work is being conducted over Wi-Fi.

AT&T reported that wireless voice minutes of use were up 33% yesterday compared to an average Sunday, and Wi-Fi calling minutes of use were up 76% from an average Sunday. That’s in sync with what the operator said last week, when Wi-Fi calling minutes were up 78% on Thursday.

The situation puts a spotlight on the fact cellular technology doesn’t work as well indoors, but unlike Wi-Fi, cellular-based voice technologies come with a greater expectation of reliability.

When consumers do use cellular, it’s most often going to be a VoLTE call, and unlike VoLTE, Wi-Fi is not guaranteed QoS technology and therefore not prioritized in the same way. “In short, a call made using Wi-Fi can never be guaranteed to have the same quality as a VoLTE call placed over cellular networks,” noted RootMetrics in a report last week.

RootMetrics, which put its physical data collection on hold due to the pandemic, is creating a series of reports designed to show the impact of COVID-19 on mobile connectivity. Under normal circumstances, it would send teams of testers to collect mobile performance data across 125 markets in the U.S. and parts of the U.K. and Switzerland, but not now.   

Most U.S. carriers now use VoLTE to carry the vast majority of calls. 




AT&T는 지난 일요일 무선 사용시간이 WI-Fi  통화 사용시간은 평균 일요일보다 76% 정도 증가하였다고 보고 (지난주 WI-Fi 통화시간은 78% 증가)

대부분 통화가 VoLTE를 통해 수행되는 상황에서 QoS 보장이 안되는 Wi-Fi 통화 시간이 증가한 이유로 COVID19 확산에 따른 이동성이 줄어듬에 따라 대부분의 사용자가 집에서 Wi-Fi를 사용하고 Wi-Fi 통화를 사용하는 것으로 추측