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Altice USA 자사 비디오 가입자에게 Apple TV Device 판매

페이지 정보

작성자 권호진 작성일20-03-03 14:53 조회5,749회


- Altice USA는 자사 비디오 가입자가 Apple TV 4K 단말장치를 사고 Altice One Platform을 통해 서비스 받을 수 있도록 Apple과 계약 체결

- Apple TV 4K는 한달 10달러부터 180달러의 요금제 선택 가능

- 패키지로 Apple TV 4K를 구매한 Altice One 고객은 1년동안 Applt TV+를 무료로 사용 가능

- Applte TV 4K 단말장치에서 Altice One 앱을 사용할 수 있음

- Charter는 2019년 Appl TV용 Spectrum TV 앱 출시하였으며, 가입자에게 24개월동안 월 $7.50로 Apple TV 4K 단말 장치 사용 가능


Altice USA begins selling Apple TV devices to its video subscribers.

Altice USA has struck a deal with Apple that will allow its video subscribers to buy an Apple TV 4K device from the provider and access the Altice One platform.

The Altice One platform is available to Altice’s Optimum and Suddenlink customers. New and existing Altice One users can pick an Apple TV 4K as part of their package by purchasing a device directly from the Optimum and Suddenlink websites or through retail outlets. The Apple TV 4K is available through monthly finance offers starting at $10 per month, or for $180.

Altice One customers who pick an Apple TV 4K as part of their package can get a limited time offer of one year of Apple TV+ for free (the price jumps to $4.99/month after the free trial). Altice One customers can also use the Altice One app on their existing Apple TV 4K or Apple TV HD devices.

“Powered by Altice's powerful broadband and WiFi network and leveraging the advanced features of Apple TV 4K, the Altice One app for Apple TV extends our services even further into the home and brings customers more choice and flexibility in how and where they watch their favorite content," said Hakim Boubazine, Altice USA Chief Operating Officer and President of Telecommunications, in a statement.

The Altice One app on Apple TV provides access to the full TV package for streaming live TV, on demand and cloud DVR recordings. It also includes features like the interactive program guide and program restart. The Altice One app also supported Apple’s zero sign-on feature so customers are automatically signed in to streaming apps without the need to enter a username and password.

The Apple TV integration and financing deal from Altice USA follows similar offerings from pay TV providers including Charter. Charter last year released its Spectrum TV app for Apple TV and let its new and existing Spectrum TV and broadband subscribers add the Apple TV 4K device to their existing accounts for $7.50 per month for 24 months.