COVID-19에 따른 OTT 이용율 증가
페이지 정보
작성자 류재욱 작성일20-04-02 14:10 조회5,379회관련링크
낼슨에 따르면 코로나 19로 인하여 OTT 이용율이 60% 증가하였음
특히 이용자의 3/4 이상이 OTT 서비스를 추가로 구독 신청.
OTT에 비해 TV 이용율 중가는 5~17% 증가한 것으로 조사되었다.
- Streaming to spike by 60% because of Covid-19 isolation
- Nielsen stats find 60% of TV streaming to spike in the coming days
- Three-fourths of consumers have added additional streaming subscriptions and TV connected devices
Online media streaming is forecasted to rise during the current Covid-19 crisis which is forcing the public any many countries to self-isolate.
The impact on streaming services including Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and Disney+ will force platform providers and media buyers to adjust their business strategies respectively, according to a report from Nielsen who have predicted that streaming is to rise by 60% during the current global coronavirus pandemic.
While a significant number of industries - including the hospitality, sports, ecommerce and travel sectors - are among those who will see a deep and potentially negative impact, television and streaming services will be a major beneficiary if previous crises are anything to go by.
According to Nielsen’s Total Audience Report which analysed the total TV (TUT) usage during Hurricane Harvey in August 2017 along with the winter snowstorm in January 2016 across the US, Nielsen found that during Hurricane Harvey a 56% jump in TUT compared with the period before, while total usage was up 40% following the snowstorm.