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Semtech releases LoRa Edge for IoT asset tracking

페이지 정보

작성자 나승환 작성일20-02-27 11:20 조회6,542회


Image: Semtech


Semtech Corporation, supplier of high-performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, has launched LoRa Edge, a versatile and low-power software defined LoRa-based platform.

Semtech said LoRa Edge will enable a wide portfolio of applications for indoor and outdoor asset management, targeting industrial, building, home, agriculture, transportation and logistics markets.

The first product from this portfolio is a geolocation solution for development of internet of things (IoT) devices for asset management applications. It features low-power Wi-Fi and GNSS sniffing capabilities combined with LoRa Cloud geolocation and device management services to significantly reduce the cost and complexity of locating and monitoring IoT assets.



Product Features

Multi-Purpose Radio Front-End

  • 150 – 2700 MHz continuous frequency synthesizer range
  • GPS/BeiDou scanning
  • Wi-Fi passive scanning