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북미 댁내 인터넷 보급율 85% 달성

페이지 정보

작성자 류재욱 작성일20-02-20 09:57 조회5,501회


2019년 3Q를 기준으로 북미 홈 인터넷 보급율이 85%를 달성했다. 


특히 2014년을 기준으로 홈 인터넷만 사용하는 가구수가 25%에서 10%로 감소했다.

스마트폰의 보급 확산으로 홈이터넷과 모바일을 동시에 사용하는 가구수가 크게 증가했기 때문이다. 


이 결과는 북미 미디어 소비 환경의 변화를 여실히 보여주는 것으로, 모바일 뿐 아니라 댁내 Home device를 통한 OTT 서비스 소비 확대를 대변하고 있다. 





85% of U.S. Households Get an Internet Service at Home

Three-Quarters of Households get Internet Service Both at Home and on a Mobile Phone

Durham, NH – December 23, 2019 – New consumer research from Leichtman Research Group, Inc. (LRG) found that 85% of U.S. households get an Internet service at home, compared to 84% in 2014 and 80% in 2009.  Broadband accounts for 96% of households with an Internet service at home, and 82% of all households get a broadband Internet service – an increase from 79% in 2014 and 71% in 2009.

In addition, 81% of adults access the Internet on a smartphone (and an additional 1% access the Internet on another type of mobile phone), up from 63% in 2014.  Overall, 75% of households now get Internet service both at home and on a mobile phone, an increase from 59% in 2014.

These findings are based on a telephone survey of 1,121 households from throughout the United States and are part of a new LRG study, Broadband Internet in the U.S. 2019.  This is LRG’s seventeenth annual study on this topic.

Other related findings include:

  • 10% of households only get Internet service at home – compared to 25% in 2014
  • 50% not online at home access the Internet on a mobile phone (and an additional 2% access the Internet on another type of mobile phone), representing 8% overall
  • 86% of households use at least one laptop or desktop computer – 93% of this group get an Internet service at home
  • 54% of those not online at home do not use a laptop or desktop at home
  • 50% with an Internet service at home watch video online daily – compared to 29% in 2014, and 16% in 2009
  • Among adults with an Internet service at home, the mean time spent online at home is 3.7 hours per day – up from 2.8 hours per day in 2014, and 2.2 hours per day in 2009

“This year’s study demonstrates a growing reliance on broadband Internet services in the home, with an increase in the time spent online at home, including the frequency of watching Internet-delivered video,” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for Leichtman Research Group, Inc.  “It is most common for home Internet service to be complemented by Internet service on a mobile phone.  Three-quarters of households now get Internet service both at home and on a mobile phone, while the segment opting to solely access the Internet on a mobile phone has plateaued.”